Source code for

import os
import shutil
from abc import abstractmethod
from contextlib import contextmanager

from import PythonProvider
from ebonite.core.objects import core
from ebonite.utils.fs import get_lib_path
from ebonite.utils.log import logger

REQUIREMENTS = 'requirements.txt'
# _EBONITE_SOURCE defines in which way ebonite will be installed inside of the instance. Depending on it's value
# True - means that it will install ebonite from PIP
# False - That it will use local ebonite installation
# str, representing a path - that it will search for .whl file with ebonite package

def ebonite_from_pip():
    :return boolen flag if ebonite inside image must be installed from pip (or copied local dist instread)"""
    return _EBONITE_SOURCE

def use_local_installation():
    """Context manager that changes docker builder behaviour to copy
    this installation of ebonite instead of installing it from pip.
    This is needed for testing and examples"""
    global _EBONITE_SOURCE
        _EBONITE_SOURCE = tmp

def use_wheel_installation(path: str):
    """Context manager that changes docker builder behaviour to
    install ebonite from wheel.
    This is needed in the case you using ebonite from wheel"""
    global _EBONITE_SOURCE
    _EBONITE_SOURCE = path
        _EBONITE_SOURCE = tmp

[docs]class BuilderBase: """Abstract class for building images from ebonite objects"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_image(self, name: str, environment: 'core.RuntimeEnvironment', **kwargs) -> 'core.Image.Params': """Abstract method to create image"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def build_image(self, buildable: 'core.Buildable', image: 'core.Image.Params', environment: 'core.RuntimeEnvironment.Params', **kwargs): """Abstract method to build image"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def delete_image(self, image: 'core.Image.Params', environment: 'core.RuntimeEnvironment.Params', **kwargs): """Abstract method to delete image"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def image_exists(self, image: 'core.Image.Params', environment: 'core.RuntimeEnvironment.Params', **kwargs): """Abstract method to check if image exists"""
[docs]class PythonBuildContext: """ Basic class for building python images from ebonite objects :param provider: A ProviderBase instance to get distribution from """ def __init__(self, provider: PythonProvider): self.provider = provider def _write_distribution(self, target_dir): """ Writes full distribution to dir :param target_dir: target directory to write distribution """ logger.debug('Writing model distribution to "%s"...', target_dir) self._write_sources(target_dir) self._write_binaries(target_dir) self._write_requirements(target_dir) self._write_run_script(target_dir) def _write_sources(self, target_dir): """ Writes sources to dir :param target_dir: target directory to write sources """ for name, content in self.provider.get_sources().items(): logger.debug('Putting model source "%s" to distribution...', name) path = os.path.join(target_dir, name) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True) with open(path, 'w' if isinstance(content, str) else 'wb', encoding='utf8') as src: src.write(content) pip_ebonite = ebonite_from_pip() if pip_ebonite is False: logger.debug('Putting Ebonite sources to distribution as local installation is employed...') main_module_path = get_lib_path('.') shutil.copytree(main_module_path, os.path.join(target_dir, 'ebonite')) elif isinstance(pip_ebonite, str): logger.debug('Putting Ebonite wheel to distribution as wheel installation is employed...') shutil.copy(pip_ebonite, target_dir) def _write_binaries(self, path): """ Writes binaries to dir :param path: target directory to write binaries """ logger.debug('Putting model artifacts to distribution...') a = self.provider.get_artifacts() a.materialize(path) def _write_requirements(self, target_dir): """ Writes requirements.txt to dir :param target_dir: target directory to write requirements """ with open(os.path.join(target_dir, REQUIREMENTS), 'w', encoding='utf8') as req: requirements = self.provider.get_requirements() logger.debug('Auto-determined requirements for model: %s.', requirements.to_pip()) if ebonite_from_pip() is False: cwd = os.getcwd() try: from setup import setup_args # FIXME only for development requirements += list(setup_args['install_requires']) logger.debug('Adding Ebonite requirements as local installation is employed...') logger.debug('Overall requirements for model: %s.', requirements.to_pip()) finally: os.chdir(cwd) req.write('\n'.join(requirements.to_pip())) def _write_run_script(self, target_dir): """ Writes script to dir :param target_dir: target directory to script """ with open(os.path.join(target_dir, ''), 'w') as sh: sh.write('python -c "from ebonite import start_runtime; start_runtime()"')