Source code for

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Generator, Type

from ebonite.core.objects import Image, RuntimeEnvironment, RuntimeInstance

[docs]class RunnerBase:
[docs] @abstractmethod def instance_type(self) -> Type[RuntimeInstance.Params]: """ :return: subtype of :class:`.RuntimeInstance.Params` supported by this runner """
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_instance(self, name: str, **kwargs) -> RuntimeInstance.Params: """ Creates new runtime instance on given name and args :param name: name of instance to use :return: created :class:`.RuntimeInstance.Params` subclass instance """
[docs] @abstractmethod def run(self, instance: RuntimeInstance.Params, image: Image.Params, env: RuntimeEnvironment.Params, **kwargs): """ Runs given image on given environment with params given by instance :param instance: instance params to use for running :param image: image to base instance on :param env: environment to run on """
[docs] @abstractmethod def is_running(self, instance: RuntimeInstance.Params, env: RuntimeEnvironment.Params, **kwargs) -> bool: """ Checks that given instance is running on given environment :param instance: instance to check running of :param env: environment to check running on :return: "is running" flag """
[docs] @abstractmethod def stop(self, instance: RuntimeInstance.Params, env: RuntimeEnvironment.Params, **kwargs): """ Stops running of given instance on given environment :param instance: instance to stop running of :param env: environment to stop running on """
[docs] @abstractmethod def logs(self, instance: RuntimeInstance.Params, env: RuntimeEnvironment.Params, **kwargs) \ -> Generator[str, None, None]: # TODO :param stream: stream or just print latest """ Exposes logs produced by given instance while running on given environment :param instance: instance to expose logs for :param env: environment to expose logs from :return: generator of log strings or string with logs """
[docs] @abstractmethod def instance_exists(self, instance: RuntimeInstance.Params, env: RuntimeEnvironment.Params, **kwargs) -> bool: """Checks if instance exists in environment :param instance: instance params to check :param env: environment to check in :return: boolean flag """
[docs] @abstractmethod def remove_instance(self, instance: RuntimeInstance.Params, env: RuntimeEnvironment.Params, **kwargs): """ Removes instance :param instance: instance params to remove :param env: environment to remove from """