Source code for ebonite.ext.docker.utils

import os
import time
from contextlib import contextmanager
from threading import Lock

import docker
import requests
from docker.errors import DockerException

def _is_docker_running(client: docker.DockerClient) -> bool:
    Check if docker binary and docker daemon are available

    :param client: DockerClient instance
    :return: true or false
        return True
    except (ImportError, IOError, DockerException):
        return False

[docs]def is_docker_running() -> bool: """ Check if docker binary and docker daemon are available :return: true or false """ with create_docker_client(check=False) as c: return _is_docker_running(c)
_docker_host_lock = Lock()
[docs]@contextmanager def create_docker_client(docker_host: str = '', check=True) -> docker.DockerClient: """ Context manager for DockerClient creation :param docker_host: DOCKER_HOST arg for DockerClient :param check: check if docker is available :return: DockerClient instance """ with _docker_host_lock: os.environ["DOCKER_HOST"] = docker_host # The env var DOCKER_HOST is used to configure docker.from_env() client = docker.from_env() if check and not _is_docker_running(client): raise RuntimeError("Docker daemon is unavailable") try: yield client finally: client.close()
[docs]def image_exists_at_dockerhub(tag): repo, tag = tag.split(':') resp = requests.get(f'{repo}/tags/{tag}') time.sleep(1) # rate limiting return resp.status_code == 200
[docs]def repository_tags_at_dockerhub(repo): resp = requests.get(f'{repo}/tags') time.sleep(1) # rate limiting if resp.status_code != 200: return {} else: return {tag['name'] for tag in resp.json()}