Source code for ebonite.repository.artifact.base

import typing
from abc import abstractmethod

from pyjackson.decorators import type_field

from ebonite.core.objects import core
from ebonite.core.objects.artifacts import ArtifactCollection, Blob

[docs]@type_field('type') class ArtifactRepository: """ Base abstract class for persistent repositories of artifacts """ type = None MODEL_TYPE = 'model' def get_model_id(self, model: 'core.Model') -> str: model_id = if model_id is None: raise ValueError('model_id cannot be "None"') return str(model_id) def push_model_artifacts(self, model: 'core.Model'): """ Helper method which handles the most common model artifacts workflow. Based on :meth:`.ArtifactRepository.push_artifact` and :meth:`.core.Model.persist_artifacts` methods. :param model: model to store artifacts in the repository for :return: nothing """ def _persister(artifact): with artifact.blob_dict() as files: return self.push_model_artifact(model, files) model.persist_artifacts(_persister) model.bind_artifact_repo(self) def push_model_artifact(self, model: 'core.Model', blobs: typing.Dict[str, Blob]) -> ArtifactCollection: """ Stores given :class:`.Blob` artifacts in the repository and associates them with given model :param model: model to associate artifacts with :param blobs: artifacts to store in the repository :return: :class:`.ArtifactCollection` object containing stored artifacts :exception: :exc:`.ArtifactExistsError` if there are already artifacts stored for this model """ model.bind_artifact_repo(self) return self.push_artifact(self.MODEL_TYPE, self.get_model_id(model), blobs) def get_model_artifact(self, model: 'core.Model') -> ArtifactCollection: """ Gets artifacts for given model :param model: model to get artifacts for :return: :class:`.ArtifactCollection` object containing stored artifacts :exception: :exc:`.NoSuchArtifactError` if no artifacts were associated with given model """ return self.get_artifact(self.MODEL_TYPE, self.get_model_id(model)) def delete_model_artifact(self, model: 'core.Model'): """ Deletes artifacts for given model :param model: model to delete artifacts for :return: nothing :exception: :exc:`.NoSuchArtifactError` if no artifacts were associated with given model """ self.delete_artifact(self.MODEL_TYPE, self.get_model_id(model)) model.unbind_artifact_repo() @abstractmethod def push_artifact(self, artifact_type: str, artifact_id: str, blobs: typing.Dict[str, Blob]) -> ArtifactCollection: raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover @abstractmethod def get_artifact(self, artifact_type: str, artifact_id: str) -> ArtifactCollection: raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover @abstractmethod def delete_artifact(self, artifact_type: str, artifact_id: str): raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
# noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs]class RepoArtifactBlob(Blob): def __init__(self, repository: ArtifactRepository): self.repository = repository