Source code for ebonite.runtime.openapi.spec

from typing import Dict, List, Type

from pyjackson.utils import (Field, Signature, get_class_fields, get_collection_internal_type, get_mapping_types,
                             is_collection, is_generic, is_mapping)

from ebonite.core.objects.dataset_type import BytesDatasetType, PrimitiveDatasetType
from ebonite.core.objects.typing import TypeWithSpec

BUILTIN_TYPES: Dict[Type, str] = {
    int: 'integer', float: 'number', str: 'string', None: 'null', bool: 'boolean',  # list:'array', dict:'object'

[docs]def make_object(properties: List[Field] = None, arbitrary_properties_type: Type = None, has_default=False, default=None): # TODO nullable """ Converts object type described as list of fields to OpenAPI schema definition :param properties: fields of object :param arbitrary_properties_type: (optional) required type for properties which are not specified in `properties` :param has_default: specifies whether given type has default value :param default: specifies default value for given type :return: dict with OpenAPI schema definition """ result = { 'type': 'object', } if properties is not None: result['properties'] = { _field_to_schema(a) for a in properties} required = [ for a in properties if not a.has_default] if required: result['required'] = required if arbitrary_properties_type is not None: result['additionalProperties'] = type_to_schema(arbitrary_properties_type) if has_default: result['default'] = default return result
[docs]def make_array(item_type: Type, minimum_size=None, maximum_size=None, has_default=False, default=None): """ Converts array type described as type of its items and range of possible sizes to OpenAPI schema definition :param item_type: type of items in array :param minimum_size: minimal possible size of array :param maximum_size: maximal possible size of array :param has_default: specifies whether given type has default value :param default: specifies default value for given type :return: dict with OpenAPI schema definition """ result = { 'type': 'array', 'items': type_to_schema(item_type) } if minimum_size is not None: result['minItems'] = minimum_size if maximum_size is not None: result['maxItems'] = maximum_size if has_default: result['default'] = default return result
def _field_to_schema(field: Field): return type_to_schema(field.type, field.has_default, field.default)
[docs]def type_to_schema(field_type, has_default=False, default=None): """ Facade method converting arbitrary type to OpenAPI schema definitions. Has special support for builtins, collections and instances of :class:`.TypeWithSpec` subclasses. :param field_type: type to generate schema for :param has_default: specifies whether given type has default value :param default: specifies default value for given type :return: dict with OpenAPI schema definition """ if field_type in BUILTIN_TYPES: result = {'type': BUILTIN_TYPES[field_type]} if has_default: result['default'] = default return result elif is_generic(field_type): if is_collection(field_type): return make_array(get_collection_internal_type(field_type), has_default=has_default, default=default) elif is_mapping(field_type): kt, vt = get_mapping_types(field_type) if kt != str: raise ValueError('Only string keys supported') return make_object(arbitrary_properties_type=vt, has_default=has_default, default=default) elif issubclass(field_type, TypeWithSpec): if issubclass(field_type, PrimitiveDatasetType): return type_to_schema(field_type.to_type, has_default, default) # noinspection PyArgumentList spec = field_type.get_spec() # noinspection PyArgumentList is_list = field_type.is_list() # noinspection PyArgumentList list_size = field_type.list_size() if is_list: item_types = set(a.type for a in spec) if len(item_types) > 1: raise ValueError('All items must be of same type for {}'.format(field_type)) item_type = next(iter(item_types)) return make_array(item_type, list_size, list_size) else: return make_object(spec) # return schema_from_typespec(field) else: return make_object(get_class_fields(field_type))
[docs]def create_spec(method_name: str, signature: Signature, name: str, docs: str): """ Generates OpenAPI schema definition for given method :param method_name: name of method :param signature: types of arguments and type of return value :param name: name of the interface :param docs: docs for method :return: dict with OpenAPi schema definition """ error_def = { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'ok': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'error': {'type': 'string'} } } value_args = [a for a in signature.args if not issubclass(a.type, BytesDatasetType)] file_args = [a for a in signature.args if issubclass(a.type, BytesDatasetType)] if issubclass(signature.output.type, BytesDatasetType): good_response = {"description": "successful response", 'content': {"multipart/form-data": { 'type': 'string', 'format': 'binary' }}} else: response_def = { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'ok': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'data': type_to_schema(signature.output.type, False, None) } } good_response = {"description": "successful response", "content": {"application/json": {"schema": response_def}}} if value_args and file_args: raise ValueError('Both JSON and file data at the same time is not supported') if value_args: json_body_def = { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { _field_to_schema(a) for a in value_args } } request_body = {'required': True, "content": {"application/json": {'schema': json_body_def}}} elif file_args: files_body_def = { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { {'type': 'string', 'format': 'binary'} for a in file_args } } request_body = {'required': True, "content": {"multipart/form-data": {'schema': files_body_def}}} else: request_body = {'required': False} bad_response = {"description": "incorrect request", "content": {"application/json": {"schema": error_def}}} summary = f"Calls '{method_name}' method on {name}." if docs is not None: summary += f' Method description: {docs}' return { "summary": summary, "requestBody": request_body, "responses": { "200": good_response, "400": bad_response } }